
- 24/7 Gaza Vigil, London, UK
- This vigil was started on Friday 9th January, as part of the many protests against the war crimes and atrocities committed against Gaza. We are standing outside the Israeli embassy because it is the symbol of the Israeli military and their political masters. Come and join us by calling 020 8904 4222 or email a mesage of support for the blog to info@ihrc.org. Amongst the many supporters of the vigil are FOSIS (the Federation of Students' Islamic Societies) and IJAN (International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network).
Monday, 19 January 2009
Evening 10

Evening 9
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Women's Vigil, Monday 19 January, outside the BBC

Muslim & Jewish women: Vigil & Speakout against slaughter in Gaza
19 January 2009
Protest the BBC's reporting of the Gaza crisis. All women welcome.
info@ihrc.org (44) 20 8904 4222 www.ihrc.org
uk@ijsn.net (44) 20 7209 4751 www.ijsn.net
Muslim & Jewish women
Vigil & Speakout against slaughter in Gaza
Monday 19 January 2009, 5.30-7pm
BBC Broadcasting House Portland Place, London W1A 1AA
(near Oxford Circus)
All Women Welcome
We have come together to spell out the truth about Occupied Palestine that the media, beginning with the BBC, refuses to report – about Zionist apartheid, women giving birth at checkpoints, the expulsions, the theft of land and resources, the imprisonment of children, the swimming pools in Zionist settlements filled by siphoning Palestinians’ drinking water. The BBC has not publicly complained that Israel is preventing their reporters from entering Gaza to witness the bombing and invasion firsthand. Neither does it report Jewish opposition to this Zionist slaughter of the innocents.
We are Muslim and Jewish women who are speaking out together against the Israeli slaughter and devastation in Gaza . We, like the whole world, are shocked by what we witness on our television screens, a small part of the horrendous truth. But we are not surprised by this horror. Israel has been driving Palestinians from their homes, killing and maiming women, children and men, bulldozing and bombing their infrastructure, since 1948 when the UN gave them permission to impose a Zionist state on Palestinian land.
No one works harder than the women in Occupied Palestine to keep family, neighbours and friends alive. In Gaza under the stress of shortages of the most basic necessities as a result of the blockade -- endorsed by the EU -- women under bombardment and invasion must watch their babies being killed and maimed. This is the most powerful indictment of Israeli arrogant racist and sexist murder.
We must spell out how, to justify the US/Israeli war against the people of the Middle East, the UK has launched a racist war against Muslims in Britain .
Therefore we Muslim and Jewish women are coming together to hold a vigil and speakout. Women will finally tell their story of what they have to do and undergo to try to preserve life and to resist occupation and genocide.
In every society we women are the carers of the human race. Our work is human survival. Let us exercise this power to help stop Israel ’s war against Palestine .
Evening 7 (Thurs 15 Jan) & Evening 8, Friday 16 January 2008
Day 8....Evening... all in high spirits
I returned to a late evening shift on Friday, having missed Thursday. Last week on Sunday at the same time I was alone, having replaced a lone protestor. I had been joined by one other and then we were relieved by the night shift. Yesterday I arrived to see seven people split into two groups, and on joining them found that another (who had been there since , had just gone off to get a coffee). This group comprised some IHRC regulars but also new people who had joined and were now regulars by word of mouth and just passing by. Been and Selina also joined us after 9pm.
The spirit was amazing, as were the frequent stops by passers-by with suggestions, commendations and messages of support. Whilst some pleasant gentleman called us "Scumbags" as they passed by, the rest of the evening went very positively.
One of those on the team expressed how the vigil made him feel he was doing something proactive and positive, and I think he is right.
On Wednesday morning, Kara and I has been discussing the change in tempretaure, not celsuis, but in society regarding Palestine. We are not helping the Palestinians he said, they are helping us. Their sacrifices have made us brave and have raised our spirits and our dtermination to do what is right.
I hadn't thought about it that way before, but it is true. Whilst talking with Harun who arrived early for night shift, my husband called to say he was watching ac lip of Gerald Kaufman MP in parliament - a lifelong Zionist - describe the actions and words of the Israelis as "Nazi", and the situation of the Gazans as that of Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto.
Things have changed, and God willing they will not be the same again. SAHLA.
DAY 7, EVENING - 15TH Jan 2009:
Pictures from earlier on in the day....Mez
Palestinian Sr who has been at the embassy every day since the Zionist war on Gaza.
I was standing around at the IHRC vigil in Kensington opposite the Israeli embassy. I was told that there would be a demonstration against Iran outside the Iranian embassy. I was initially hesitant to attend the vigil as I was under the impression that the Zionists would walk towards Israeli embassy in big numbers and they might cause trouble with the attendees at the vigil. But I was assured that IHRC had agreed with the Police that they would be there to stop any intimidation by the Zionists. Around 10pm Sami (another attendee) and I were at the vigil alongside two other supporters of the vigil. We saw a group of around 30 rowdy Zionists from a distance. I looked around and saw no Police in sight-that moment I was really scared.The Zionists now on the opposite side of the street, spotted us and started shouting abuse. They called us 'terrorists', 'fucking Arabs' etc and were also showing their middle finger at us. They were trying to deliberately provoke us and get a reaction. I felt really intimidated and was left shaken- something violent could have easily happened. Luckily none of us reacted and the crowd walked on after approximately 5 mins of abuse. I wonder where the police were....
The rest of the night was pretty uneventful...then Sami got a call from family back in Palestine....his cousin had been killed in Gaza.
It really brought it home for me...its not just pictures and news of another people suffering in another land...its real...its now...it affects everyone around us. MUJAHID
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Day 6- Evening
I arrived at the vigil at about 5:30 to find about seven individuals, all in high spirits and enjoying their conversations.
I had the pleasure of meeting the seasoned activist and journalist Victoria Brittain this evening. I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with her and was motivated by her determination and patience.
I would like to thank Ash for taking the photographs and emailing them to us and Malika for all her efforts. She was there yesterday from 11am till about 6:30pm.
Thank you also to the young man who bought us a lighter for the candles, the lady who bought us more candles, and all those who donated money!!!
Till next time!
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Day 5- return of the Kara
Day 5 - Evening (5pm - 8pm)
I arrived just after 5pm, finding Br Mez in deep conversation with a pro-palestine supporter and another sister busy listening to another activist. I looked around, a handful of protestors were gathered opposite the embassy, preparing for the daily demo that usually begun at 5.30. Amazing people- they're outside here every evening, unrelenting, and in defiance of the police who have in the past few days told them to ‘stay away’! How dare they!
All in all, my evening went pretty well...kind strangers popped over to have a word or two; one lady, who looked like she just left work for the evening, walked past then came back and looked around at our posters. She came up close to us and said ‘My prayers are with
Suffice to say, my spirits were high as I clocked off and walked back to the station. We can not let the Zionists think they can continue…we have got to make a stand! Come join the vigil! See you all there soon inshAllah.
Day 5 - afternoon
A little after this, an elderly Caucasian women approach our vigil. She stopped by the candles and bowled her head. Initially intend on approaching her, I changed my mind after realising she was deep in prayer. Seeing this women standing in the middle of Kensington High Street with her head down, eyes closed and deep in prayer touched me deeply, and gave me a renewed sense of hope.
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Day 5 Morning
Early morning, day 5, Tuesday 13 January
Night 4
The first part of the night was full, with IHRC's chair, Massoud Shadjareh, veteran activist and journalist Victoria Brittain, a local authority councillor and four others holding fort until the all night team arrived.
As the days pass, more and more people are booking to attend, and everyone is welcome. With no sign of the atrocities waning - 60 raids on Gaza during the night according to the BBC - and with polic ebecoming increasingly more violent at the other demonstrations, this vigil is gaining even more importance.
The night saw taxi drivers come up to the team and express support, as well as an inebriated Zionist who took the opportunity of being the sole other person at 3am on the street to launch into a pro-Israeli rant.
Still the messages and greetings, all forms of support for the vigil are growing. Last night theylit candles and the mood became evn more osmbre in remembrance of the 900+ dead and the thousands injured and maimed.
Day 4
Just finished my first shift at the Vigil. Although in the past I have been critical and pessimistic about the benefits of such actions, I know now their importance.
In just four hours, hundreds of passers by were able to read our banners and slogans, “The World Stopped Nazism, The World Stopped Apartheid, The World Must Stop Zionism.” I could see on the faces of many passing by the beginning of a thought process. It is the instigation of these very thoughts, getting people to think about the evils of Zionism, that makes such vigils so important.
In the first half an hour a few van drivers horned and gave me a thumbs up in support. I was particularly touched by one elderly lady who came over to me, gave me a long stare, and said “you are absolutely right.”
I had conversations with Africans, Arabs, Caucasians and others, all united by their humanity.
The cold has subsided.
I look forward to tomorrow's shift. OUSSAMA
Monday, 12 January 2009
A Message from Oslo...

Dear IHRC,
Day 4, rush hour

Night 3

Sunday, 11 January 2009
Day3, back on track
The vigil is back on now, with more support arriving after the end of the counter-demonstration in Trafalgar Square.
Despite the presence of the vigil and in particular the main protestor of the vigil, Kara, being notified to the police, he was still stopped and searched yesterday morning by officers for 'antisocial behaviour'. All this after a long and cold night in sub-zero tempratures with no shelter. The police having originally approved a tent, withdrew permission for it.
More posts and photos to follow.
Friday, 9 January 2009
Bismillah - Day 1, 2hr stint
I was pleasantly surprised to find not only old friends already with him less that an hour into the vigil but also passersby stopping along and standing in solidarity. I arrived at 3.30pm, and by sunset an hour later at least another 7 people had joined the scheduled team.
Our two banners will be followed by flags with more volunteers later. Despite the bracing weather we are all determined and people are calling the office to join the team.
Outside or more correctly well across Kensington Hight Street where all protestors are made to stand, there have been daily demos, but this vigil reflects the frustration and turmoil many of us feel at the enormity of events in Gaza, and the scale of atrocities perpetrated by Israeli forces at the behest of their political masters. As the waving passengers of cars and buses, the tooted horns and vehicles passing by evidence, this is the feeling of many if not most.
More from this blogger later. SAHLA
24/7 Gaza Vigil outside Israeli embassy begins at 3pm (9 Jan 2009)
Islamic Human Rights Commission
09 January 2008
URGENT ALERT: UK/Palestine – 24/7 Gaza vigil outside Israeli embassy
1. Summary
2. Background
3. Action required
1. Summary
The Islamic Human Rights Commission will begin its round the clock vigil on Friday 09 January 2008 at 3:00 PM, carrying on indefinitely until Israel ends its onslaught on Gaza. All are urged to come out to show your support, but attendees must first schedule themselves in by contacting the relevant IHRC officer. Instructions and contact details are provided below.
2. Background
With the Gazan death toll quickly rounding 700 with 3,000 injured, Israel’s relentless attack on the civilian population of Gaza must be met with our relentless vigils, demonstrations, boycotts, campaigning and prayers. Accordingly, IHRC is beginning a 24 hour vigil outside the London Israeli embassy, to show solidarity with the victims of Israeli war crimes.
Supporters are very much encouraged to show up and express their outrage over Israel’s inhuman actions, whilst it is necessary for any prospective attendees to first have themselves scheduled in by contacting the relevant IHRC event coordinator beforehand. Kindly find contact details below.
3. Action required
If you would like to be scheduled in to attend any part the 24 hour vigil, please contact:
07515 029 560 or email aaron@ihrc.org
For more information, please contact the office on the numbers or email below.
IHRC is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
Please help IHRC by visiting http://www.ihrc.org.uk/catalog and making a donation or buying an item from our on-line store.
If you want to subscribe to the IHRC list please send an email to subscribe@ihrc.org
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For more information, please contact the office on the numbers or email below.
"And what reason have you that you should not fight in the way of Allah and of the weak among the men and the women and the children, (of) those who say: Our Lord! Cause us to go forth from this town, whose people are oppressors, and give us from Thee a guardian and give us from Thee a helper."
Holy Qur'an: Chapter 4, Verse 75
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Email: info@ihrc.org
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